A Nationwide exhibition is setting the stage to educate, and raise awareness about the true teachings of Islam, its commonalities with other faiths, unique features, and how it leads to a life of peace, serenity, and fulfillment.
Experience the captivating exhibition coming to many towns in Canada.
I SHALL cause thY message to reach the corners of the earth.
Prophets are individuals sent by God during dark periods of moral decline, to bring people back to God. Prophets are those exceedingly rare persons whom God has granted extraordinary spiritual capacities, similar to how some individuals are born with special physical abilities.
This spiritual capacity to have communion with God is not something supernatural that only prophets possess though, rather this is the province of all mankind, and indeed is the purpose for which mankind was created – to hold communion with the Divine. However, though spiritual faculties and the ability to advance in cognition of God is latent within all people, these spiritual capacities are at their apex within prophets of God…
Religion is a framework and a set of guidelines given by the Creator to His creation, in order to live the most successful life on an individual basis and as a collective society. The intricacies and broad spectrum of human life demand a manual from the maker, to give human beings a code by which to live by; a code which covers…
The Qu’ran is the only surviving verbatim word of God that exists today. It is also the Most updated word of guidance from the creator as it is the most comprehensive in dealing with all the nuances of human existence. Muslims get all of their instructions on how to live life in every way from this source.